Journal Articles and Book Chapters

Bickham, D. S., Schmidt, M. E., & Huston, A.C. (2011). Attention, comprehension, and the educational influences of television and other electronic media. In D. G. Singer & J. L. Singer (Eds.), Handbook of children and the media (2nd ed., pp. 113-138). Thousand Oaks CA: Sage.

Huston, A.C., Bickham, D. S., Lee, J. H., & Wright, J. C.  (2007). From attention to comprehension: How children watch and learn from television. In N. Pecora, J. Murray, & E. A. Wartella (Eds.), Children and television: Fifty years of research (pp. 41-64).  Mahwah NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Vandewater, E.A., Lee, J. H., and Shim, M-S. (2005). Family conflict and violent electronic-media use in school-aged children. Media Psychology 7 (1), 73-86.

Vandewater, E.A., Park, S. E., Huang, X., Wartella, E.A. (2005). “No – You can’t watch that” : Parental rules & young children’s media use. American Behavioral Scientist, 48:5, 608-623.

Vandewater, E.A., Bickham, D.S., Lee, J.H., Cummings, H.M., Wartella, E.A., Rideout, V.J. (2005). When the television is always on: Heavy television exposure & young children’s development. American Behavioral Scientist, 48, 562-577.

Vandewater, E.A., & Bickham, D.S. (2004). The impact of educational television on young children’s reading in the context of family stress. Applied Developmental Psychology 25, 717-728.

Wartella, E., Caplovitz, A.G., & Lee, J.H. (2004). From Baby Einstein to Leapfrog, From Doom to the Sims, From Instant Messaging to Internet Chat Rooms: Public interest in the role of interactive media in children’s lives. Social Policy Report, 18 (4), 3-19.

Vandewater, E. A., Shim, M., Caplovitz, A. C. (2004). Linking obesity and activity level with children’s television and video game use. Journal of Adolescence, 27, 71-85.

Lee, J. H. & Huston, A.C. (2003). Educational televisual media effects.  In E.L. Palmer & B. M. Young (Eds.), The faces of televisual media: Teaching, violence, selling to children (2nd ed, pp. 83-106) Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Bickham, D. S., Vandewater, E. A., Huston, A. C., Lee, J. H., Caplovitz, A. G., & Wright, J. C. (2003). Predictors of children’s media use: An examination of three ethnic groups. Media Psychology 5, 107-137.

Anderson, D.R., Huston, A.C.,  Schmitt, K.L., Linebarger, D.L., & Wright, J. C.  (2001). Early childhood television viewing and adolescent achievement acheivement:  The Recontact Study. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 66, Serial No. 264.

Wright, J. C., Huston, A. C., Murphy, K. C., St Peters, M., Piñon, M., Scantlin, R., & Kotler, J. (2001).  The relations of early television viewing to school readiness and vocabulary of children from low-income families: The Early Window Project. Child Development 72, 1347-1366.

Bickham, D. S., Wright, J. C., & Huston, A. C. (2001). Attention, comprehension, and the educational influences of television. In D. Singer & J. Singer (Eds.), Handbook of Children and the Media (pp.101-120).  Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.

Wright, J. C., Huston, A. C., Vandewater, E., Bickham, D. S., Scantlin, R. M., Kotler, J. A., Caplovitz, A. G., & Lee, J. (2001).  American children’s use of electronic media in 1997: A national survey.  Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 22, 31-47.

Reprinted in S. L. Calvert, A. B. Jordan, & R. R. Cocking (Eds.). (2002). Children in the Digital Age (pp. 35-54).  Westport, CT: Praeger.   

Kotler, J.A., Wright, J.C., & Huston, A.C. (2001).  Television use in families with children.  In J. Bryant & A. Bryant (Eds.). Television and the American family (2nd ed., pp.33-48).  Mahwah, NJ:  Erlbaum.

Huston, A.C., Anderson, D.R., Wright, J.C., Linebarger, D.L., and Schmitt, K.L. (2001). Sesame Street viewers as adolescents:  The Recontact Study.  In S. Fisch and R. Truglio (Eds.). “G” is for “Growing”: Thirty years of research on Sesame Street (pp.131-143). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Wright, J.C., Huston, A.C., Scantlin, R.M., and Kotler, J.A. (2001). The Early Window project:  Sesame Street prepares children for school. In S. Fisch and R. Truglio (Eds.). “G” is for “Growing”: Thirty years of research on Sesame Street (pp. 97-114). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Wright, J. C., Anderson, D. R., Huston, A. C., Collins, P. A., Schmitt, K. L., & Linebarger, D. L.  (2000). The effects of early childhood TV-viewing on learning.  In Falk, J. H. (Ed.) Free-choice science education: How we learn outside of school (pp. 79-92).  New York: Teachers College Press.

Wartella, E., Scantlin, R., Kotler, J., Huston, A. C., & Donnerstein, E.  (2000).  Effects of sexual content in the media on children & adolescents.   In C. von Felilitzen & U. Carlsson (Eds.) Children in the new media landscape:  Games, pornography, perceptions. Goteborg, Sweden: UNESCO International Clearinghouse on Children and Violence on the Screen and Nordicom.

Huston, A.C., Wright, J.C., Marquis, J., & Green, S.B. (1999). How young children spend their time: Television & other activities. Developmental Psychology, 35: 4,  912-925.

Huston, A.C. & Wright, J.C. (1998). Television & the informational & educational needs of children. Annals of the American Association of Political and Social Science, 557, 9-23.

Huston, Aletha C., Wartella, Ellen, Donnerstein, Edward, Scantlin, Ronda, & Kotler, Jennifer (1998, May).  Measuring the effects of sexual content in the media: A report to the Kaiser Family Foundation.  Oakland, CA:  The Kaiser Family Foundation.

Anderson, D.R., Huston, A.C., Wright, J.C., and Collins, P. (1998).  Sesame Street and educational television for children.  In R. G. Noll & M. E. Price (Eds.), A communications cornucopia: Markle Foundation essays on information policy. (pp.279-296). Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution Press.

Huston, A.C. & Wright, J.C. (1997). Mass media and children’s development. In W. Damon, I. Sigel, & K.A.Renninger (Eds.), Handbook of child psychology: Vol. 4. Child psychology in practice (5th ed., pp.999-1058). New York: Wiley.

Huston, A. C., Wright, J. C., Fitch, M., Wroblewski, R., & Piemyat, S. (1997).  Effects of documentary and fictional television formats on children’s acquisition of schemata for unfamiliar occupations.  Journal  of Applied Developmental Psychology, 18, 563-585.

Kerkman, D., Pinon, M., Wright, J.C., & Huston, A.C. (1996). Children’s reasoning about video and real balance scale problems. Early Education and Development, 7,  237-252.

Huston, A.C., & Wright, J. C. (1996). Television and socialization of young children. In T. MacBeth  (Ed.), Tuning in to young viewers (pp.37-60). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Truglio, R.T., Murphy, K.C.,Oppenheimer, S.,Huston, A.C., & Wright, J.C. (1996). Predictors of children’s entertainment television viewing: Why are they tuning in?  Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 17, 474-494.

Gusewelle, C.W., Acheson, E., Dark, O.C., Kopel, D.B., Murray, J.P., Wright, J.C. (1995). Round table discussion: Violence in the media. Kansas Journal of Law & Public Policy, vol. 4, no. 3.

Wright, J. C. (1995).  Child viewers, television violence, and the first amendment. The Kansas Journal of Law and Public Policy, 4,  33‑38.

Wright, J. C., Huston, A. C., Truglio, R., Fitch, M., Smith, E. D., & Piemyat, S. (1995)  Occupational portrayals on television:  Children’s role schemata, career aspirations, and perceptions of reality.  Child Development, 66, 1706-1718.

Wright, J. C., Huston, A. C., Alvarez, M., Truglio, R., Fitch, M., & Piemyat, S. (1995).  Perceived television reality and children’s emotional and cognitive responses to its social content.  Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 16, 231‑251.

Neapolitan, D. M., Goser, L.S., & Huston, A. C. (1994). An analysis of educa­tional programs on network and cable television (Report to the Public Broadcasting System). Lawrence KS: CRITC.

Neapolitan, D.M., & Huston, A. C. (1994). Educational content of children’s programs on public and commercial television (Report to the Public Broadcasting System). Lawrence KS: CRITC.

Huston, A. C. & Wright, J. C. (1994). Educating children with television: The forms of the medium. In D. Zillmann, J. Bryant, & A. C. Huston (Eds.),  Media, children, and the family:  Social scientific, psychodynamic, and clinical perspectives (pp.73‑84). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Wright, J. C., Huston, A. C., Reitz, A. L., & Piemyat, S. (1994).  Young children’s perceptions of television reality:  determinants and developmental differences. Developmental Psychology, 30, 229‑239.

Fitch, M., Huston, A. C., & Wright, J. C. (1993). From television forms to genre schemata:  Children’s perceptions of television reality. In G. L. Berry & J. K. Asamen (Eds.), Children and Television: Images in a Changing Sociocultural World (pp. 38-52). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

Rolandelli, D.R., Sugihara, K., Wright, J.C. (1992). Visual processing of televised information by Japanese & American children. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 23, 5-24.

Huston, A. C., et al.  (1992). Big world, small screen: The role of television in American society.  Lincoln, NE: Univ. of Nebraska Press.

Rolandelli, D.R. (1991).  Gender role portrayal analysis of children’s television programming in Japan.  Human Relations, 44, 1273-1299

St. Peters, M., Fitch, M., Huston, A. C., Wright, J. C., & Eakins, D. J. (1991).  Television and families:  What do young children watch with their parents?  Child Development, 62, 1409‑1423.

Rolandelli, D. R., Wright, J. C., Huston, A. C., & Eakins, D. (1991). Television and families:  What do young children watch with their parents?  Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 51, 90‑122.

Wright, J.C., St. Peters, M., Huston, A.C. (1990). Family television use and its relation to children’s cognitive skills & social behavior. In J. Bryant’s (ed.) Television & the American Family (pp.227-251). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Rosenkoetter, L. I., Huston, A. C., & Wright, J. C. (1990). Television and the moral judgment of the young child. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 11, 123‑137.

Huston, A. C., Wright, J. C., Rice, M. L., Kerkman, D., & St. Peters, M. (1990).  The development of television viewing patterns in early childhood:  A longitudinal investigation. Developmental Psychology, 26, 409‑420.

Rice, M. L., Huston, A. C., Truglio, R. T., & Wright, J. C. (1990). Words from Sesame Street: Learning vocabulary while viewingDevelopmental Psy­chology, 26, 421‑428.

Kerkman, D., Kunkel, D., Huston, A. C., Wright, J. C., & Pinon, M. F. (1990). Children’s television programming and the “free market solution”.  Journalism Quarterly, 67 (1), 147‑156.

Neapolitan, D.M., Goser, L.S., & Huston, A.C. A Content Analysis of “Ready to Learn” on PBS. Report to the Public Broadcasting System.  Lawrence KS: CRITC.

Rolandelli, D.R. (1989). Children & television: The visual superiority effect reconsidered. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 33 (1), 69-81.

Huston, A. C., Watkins, B. A., & Kunkel, D. (1989). Public policy and children’s television.  American Psychologist, 44, 424‑433.

Wright, J. C., Kunkel, D., Pinon, M., & Huston, A. C. (1989).  How children reacted to televised coverage of the space shuttle disaster. Journal of Communi­cation, 39 (2), 27‑45.

Pinon, M., Huston, A. C., & Wright, J. C. (1989).  Family ecology and child characteristics that predict young children’s educational television viewing.  Child Development, 60, 846‑856.

Kerkman, D., & Wright, J. C. (1988). An exegesis of two theories of compensation development: Sequential decision theory and information integration theory.  Developmental Review, 8, 323‑360.

Kerkman, D.D., & Wright, J.C. (1988). A “misrepresentation” of method as theory. Developmental Review 8, 368-375.

Huston, A. C., & Wright, J. C. (1989).  Television forms and children. In G. A. Comstock (Ed.), Public Communication and Behavior: Vol. 2 (103‑158).  New York:  Academic Press.

Alvarez, M., Huston, A. C., Wright, J. C., & Kerkman, D. (1988). Gender differences in visual attention to television form and content. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 9, 459‑475.

Rice, M.L., Woodsmall, L (1988).   Lessons from television: Children’s word learning when viewing. Child Development, 59, 420-429.

Wroblewski, R., & Huston, A. C. (1987).  Televised occupational stereotypes and their effects on early adolescents:  Are they changing?  Journal of Early Adolescence, 7, 283‑297.

Huston, A. C. (1987).  Television and human behavior. In F. Farley & C. N. Null (Eds.). Using psychological science: Making the public case (pp. 131‑142). Washing­ton D.C.: Federation of Behavioral, Psychological, and Cognitive Sciences.

Calvert, S. L., & Huston, A. C. (1987).  Television and  children’s gender schemata. In L. Liben & M.  Signorella (Eds.), New directions in child development: Vol. 38. Children’s gender schemata: Origins and impli­cations (pp. 75-88). San Francisco: Jossey Bass.

Lemish, D. (1987).  Viewers in diapers:  The early development of television viewing.  In T. R. Lindlof (Ed.).  Natural audiences: Qualitative research of media uses and effects (pp. 33‑57). Norwood, NJ: Ablex.

Campbell, T. A., Wright, J. C., & Huston, A. C. (1987). Form cues and content difficulty as determinants of children’s cognitive processing of televised educational messages.  Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 43, 311‑327.

Calvert, S. L., Huston, A. C., & Wright, J. C. (1987). Effects of television preplay formats on children’s attention and story comprehension. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 8,  329‑342.

Canino, G. J. & Huston, A. C. (1986).  A content analysis of prime‑time TV and radio news in Puerto Rico.  Journalism Quarterly, 63, 150‑154.

Lemish, D., & Rice, M. L. (1986).  Television as a talking picture book:  A prop for language acquisition.  Journal of Child Language, 13, 251‑274.

Friedrich‑Cofer, L., & Huston, A. C. (1986).  Television violence and aggression:  The debate continues. Psychological Bulletin, 100, 364‑371.

Rice, M. L., Huston, A. C., & Wright, J. C. (1986). Replays as repetitions:  Young children’s interpretations of television forms. Journal of Applied Devel­opmental Psychology, 7, 61‑76.

Potts, R., Huston, A. C., & Wright, J. C.(1986).  The effects of television form and violent content on boys’ attention and social behavior.  Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 41, 1‑17.

Wright, J.C., & Huston, A.C.  (1984). The potentials of television for young viewers.  In J.P. Murray & G. Salomon (Eds.).  The future of children’s television: Results of the Markle Foundation/Boys Town conference (pp 65-80).  Boys Town, NE: Boys Town.

Huston, A. C. (1984). Reminiscences: Form vs. content reminiscences: Cognitive processing.  In J.P. Murray & G. Salomon (Eds.).  The future of children’s television: Results of the Markle Foundation/Boys Town Conference.  (pp. 159‑161; 171‑172).  Boys Town, NE: Boys Town.

Huston, A. C., & Wright, J. C. (1984). The educational impact of television forms and formats. Media International, Educational, 4, 12‑16.

Rice, M. L. (1984).  The words of children’s television. Journal of Broadcast­ing, 28(4), 445‑461.

Wright, J. C., Huston, A. C., Ross, R. P., Calvert, S. L., Rolandelli, D., Weeks, L. A., Raeissi, P., & Potts, R. (1984).  Pace and continuity of televi­sion programs:  Effects on children’s attention and comprehension.  Develop­mental Psychology, 20, 653‑666.

Huston, A. C., Greer, D., Wright, J. C., Welch, R., & Ross, R. (1984). Children’s comprehension of televised formal features with masculine and feminine connotations.  Developmental Psychology, 20, 707‑716.

Ross, R. P., Campbell, R., Wright, J. C., Huston, A. C., Rice, M. L., & Turk, P. (1984). When celebrities talk, children listen: An experimental analy­sis of children’s responses to TV ads with celebrity endorsement.  Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 5, 185‑202.

Lovelace, V.O., & Huston, A.C. (1983). Can television teach prosocial behavior?  Prevention in Human Services, 2, 93‑106.

Center for Research on the Influences of Television on Children (1983). CRITC Program Categorization System Coding Manual.  CRITC: Lawrence: University of Kansas.

Wright, J. C., & Huston, A. C. (1983). A matter of form: Potentials of television for young viewers. American Psychologist, 38, 835‑843

Rice, M. L. (1983).  The role of television in children’s language acquisition.  Developmental Review, 3, 211‑224.

Huston, A. C., & Wright, J. C. (1983).  Children’s processing of television:  The informative functions of formal features.  In J. Bryant & D. R. Anderson (Eds.), Children’s understanding of TV: Research on attention and comprehension (pp. 37‑68).  New York: Academic Press.

Huston, A., & Wright, J.C.  (1982). Effects of communications media on children.  In C.B. Kopp & J.B. Krakow (Eds.).  The child:  Development in a social context (pp. 578‑629).  Boston:  Addison‑Wesley.

Huston, A. C., Wright, J. C., & Potts, R. (1982).  Television forms and children’s social behavior. Fernsehen and Bildung, 16, 128‑138.

Rice, M. L., Huston, A. C., & Wright, J. C. (1982).  The forms of television:  Effects on children’s attention, comprehension, and social behavior. In D. Pearl, L. Bouthilet, & J. B. Lazar (Eds.), Television and behavior:  Vol. 2.  Ten years of scientific progress and implications for the 80’s (pp. 24‑38). Washington D.C.: Government Printing Office.

Calvert, S. L., Huston, A., Watkins, B. A., & Wright, J. C.  (1982). The rela­tion between selective attention to television forms and children’s comprehen­sion of content.  Child Development, 53, 601‑610.

Greer, D., Potts, R., Wright, J. C., & Huston‑Stein, A. (1982). The effects of television commercial form and commercial placement on children’s attention and social behavior.  Child Development, 53, 611‑619.

Wright, J. C., & Huston, A. C. (1981).  Children’s understanding of the forms of television. In H. Kelly & H. Gardner (Eds.),  New directions for child development: Vol. 13. Viewing children through television (pp. 73-88).  San Francisco:  Jossey‑Bass.

Rice, M. L., & Wartella, E. (1981).  Television as a medium of communication:  Implications for how to regard the child viewer.  Journal of Broadcasting, 25, 365‑372.

Watkins, B. A., Huston‑Stein, A., & Wright, J. C. (1981). Effects of  planned television programming.  In E. L. Palmer & A. Dorr (Eds.),  Children and the faces of television:  Teaching, violence,and selling (pp. 49‑69). New York:  Academic Press.

Ross, R. P., Campbell, T., Huston‑Stein, A., & Wright, J. C.  (1981). Children’s recall of television material:  Effects of presentation mode and adult labeling.Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 1, 329‑345.

Watkins, B., Calvert, S., Huston‑Stein, A., & Wright, J. C. (1980). Children’s recall of television material:  Effects of presentation mode and adult labeling.  Developmental Psychology, 16, 672‑674.

Huston, A. C., Wright, J. C., Wartella, E., Rice, M. L., Watkins, B. A., Campbell, T., Potts, R. (1981).  Communicating more than content:  Formal features of children’s television programs. Journal of Communication, 31, (3), 32‑48.

Huston-Stein, A., Fox, S., Greer, D., Watkins, B.A., & Whitaker, J. (1981). The effects of TV action and violence on children’s social behavior. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 138, 183-191.

Welch, R., Huston‑Stein, A., Wright, J. C., & Plehal, R. (1979). Subtle sex‑role cues in children’s commercials.  Journal of Communication, 29,  202‑209.

Huston‑Stein, A. & Wright, J. C. (1979).  Children and television: Effects of the medium, its contents, and its form.  Journal of Research and Development in Education, 13, 20‑31.

Huston-Stein, A. (1978). Televised aggression & prosocial behavior. In H.L. Pick, et al. (Eds.) Psychology: From research to practice (pp. 75‑94).  NY: Plenum.


Fox, S., & Huston‑Stein, A.  (1977). Television’s hidden curriculum.  National Elementary School Principal, 56 (3), 62‑68.

Friedrich, L.K., & Stein, A.H.  (1975). Prosocial television and young children’s behavior:  The effect of verbal labeling and role playing training.  Child Development, 46, 27‑38.

Stein, A.H., & Friedrich, L.K.  (1975). Impact of television on children and youth.  In E.M. Hetherington, J.W. Hagen, R. Kron, & A.H. Stein (Eds.).  Review of child development research (Vol. 5, pp. 183‑256).  Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Stein, A.H., & Friedrich, L.K.  (1975). The effects of television content on young children’s behavior.  In A.D. Pick (Ed.).  Minnesota symposia on child psychology (Vol. 9, pp. 78‑105).  Minneapolis:  University of Minnesota Press.

Friedrich, L.K., & Stein, A.H.  (1974). Die wirkungen von sozialisationsfordernden Fernsehprogrammen auf das Lernen and Verhalten bei Vorschulkindern.  AV Praxis, 5, 5‑7.

Stein, A.H.  Mass media and moral development. (1974). In D.D. Hearn (Ed.).  Values, feelings and morals:  Part I.  Research and perspectives.  Washington:  American Association of Elementary‑Kindergarten‑Nursery Educators.

Stein, A.H.  Television effects on children. (1973). Encyclopedia of Psychology.  Guilford, Conn.:  Dushkin Publishing Corp.

Friedrich, L.K., & Stein, A.H.  (1973). Aggressive and prosocial television programs and the natural behavior of preschool children. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 38, (4), Serial No. 151.

Stein, A.H., & Friedrich, L.K.  (1972). Television content and young children’s behavior.  In J.P. Murray, E.A. Rubinstein, & G.A. Comstock (Eds.).  Television and social behavior: Vol. 2.  Television and social learning (pp. 202-317).  Washington, DC:  U.S. Government Printing Office.

Stein, A.H.  (1972). Mass media and young children’s development. Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education (Vol. 71, Part II, pp. 181‑202).  Chicago:  University of Chicago Press.