Recent Journal Articles and Book Chapters

Calvert, S.L., Putnam, M. M., Aguiar, N. R., Ryan, R. M., Wright, C. A., Liu, Y. H. A., & Barba, E.. (2019). Young Children’s Mathematical Learning from Intelligent Characters. Child Development. DOI: 10.1111/cdev.13341

Blumberg, F. C., Deater‐Deckard, K., Calvert, S. L., Flynn, R. M., Green, C. S., Arnold, D., & Brooks, P. J. (2019). Digital Games as a Context for Children’s Cognitive Development: Research Recommendations and Policy Considerations. Social Policy Report32, 1-33.

Frolich, M.A., Aguiar, N.R., Putnam, M.M., & Calvert, S.L. (2019)  Adult Reports of Pokémon GO Play: Stronger Parasocial Relationships Predict Increased Nostalgia and Decreased App Play, Imagination, Cognition, and Personality: Consciousness in Theory, Research, and Clinical Practice0:0, 1-16, DOI: 10.1177/0276236618822786

Aguiar, N.R., Richards, M.N., Bond, B.J., Putnam, M.M., & Calvert, S.L. (2018) Children’s Parasocial Breakups With Media Characters From the Perspective of the Parent. Imagination, Cognition, and Personality: Consciousness in Theory, Research, and Clinical Practice0:0, 1-28, DOI: 10.1177/0276236618809902

Aguiar, N. R., Richards, M. N., Bond, B. J., Brunick, K. L., & Calvert, S. L. (2018) Parents’ Perceptions of Their Children’s Parasocial Relationships: The Recontact Study. Imagination, Cognition, and Personality: Consciousness in Theory, Research, and Clinical Practice0:0, 1-29.

Putnam, M.M., Cotto, C.E., & Calvert, S.L. (2018) Character Apps for Children’s Snacks: Effects of Character Awareness on Snack Selection and Consumption Patterns. Games for Health Journal, 7:2, DOI: 10.1089/g4h.2017.0097

Putnam, M.M., Richmond, E.M., Brunick, K L., Wright, C.A., & Calvert, S.L. (2018) Influence of a Character-Based App on Children’s Learning of Nutritional Information: Should Apps Be Served with a Side of Media Characters? Games for Health Journal, 7:2, DOI: 10.1089/g4h.2017.0116

Richards, M.N. & Calvert, S.L. (2017). Media Characters, Parasocial Relationships, and the Social Aspects of Children’s Learning Across Media Platforms. In R. Barr & D.N. Linebarger (Eds), Media Exposure During Infancy and Early Childhood, Springer.

Richards, M.N. & Calvert, S.L. (2017) Measuring young U.S. children’s parasocial relationships: toward the creation of a child self-report survey, Journal of Children and Media, 11:2, 229-240, DOI: 10.1080/17482798.2017.1304969

Richards, M.N. & Calvert, S.L. (2016): Parent versus child report of young children’s parasocial relationships in the United States, Journal of Children and Media, DOI: 10.1080/17482798.2016.1157502

Lauricella, A.R., Barr, R., & Calvert, S.L. (2016).Toddler learning from video: Effect of matched pedagogical cues Infant Behavior & Development45, 22-30

Brunick, K.L., Putnam, M.M., McGarry, L.E., Richards, M.N., & Calvert, S.L. (2016). Children’s future parasocial relationships with media characters: the age of intelligent characters. Journal of Children and Media, 10:2, 181-190.

Calvert, S.L. (2015). Children and digital media In M. H. Bornstein & T. Leventhal (Vol. Editors), Ecological settings and processes in developmental systems (pp. 375-415). In R. Lerner (Ed), Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Science, 7th ed., Wiley.

Richards, M.N. & Calvert, S.L. (2015). Toddlers’ judgments of media character source credibility on touchscreens.  American Behavioral Scientist, DOI: 10.1177/0002764215596551

Bond, B.J. & Calvert, S.L. (2014). Parasocial breakup among young children in the United States. Journal of Children and Media, 8, 474-490.

Flynn, R.M., Richert, R.A., Staiano, A.E., Wartella, E.A. & Calvert, S.L. (2014). Effects of exergame play on EF in children and adolescents in a summer camp for low income youth. Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology, 4 (1).

Lauricella, A., Barr, R., & Calvert, S.L. (2014). Parent-child interactions during  traditional and computer book reading for children’s story comprehension: Implications for electronic storybook design. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction.

Calvert, S.L.  The social impact of virtual environments technology. In K.M. Stanney (Ed.). Handbook of Virtual Environments Technology (2nd ed.), Hillsdale, N.J.:  Erlbaum.

Calvert, S.L. & Wartella, E.A. (2014). Children and electronic media. In E. Gershoff, R. Mistry & D. Crosby (Eds), Societal Contexts of Child Development: Pathways of Influence and Implications for Practice and Policy: Oxford, Oxford University Press.

Calvert, S.L. & Richards, M. (2014). Children’s parasocial relationships with media characters. In J. Bossert (Oxford Ed), A. Jordan & D. Romer (Eds). Media and the well being of children and adolescents. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Bond, B.J., &  Calvert, S.L. (2014). A Model and Measure of US Parents’ Perceptions of Young Children’s Parasocial RelationshipsJournal of Children and Media.

Galloway, D.P. & Calvert, S.L. (2014). Media characters as spokespeople in U.S. grocery stores: Promoting poor nutritional messages to children. Journal of Obesity & Weight Loss Therapy.

Calvert, S.L., Richards, M., & Kent, C. (2014). Personalized Interactive Characters for Toddlers’ Learning of Seration from a Video Presentation. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 35, 148-155.  10.1016/j.appdev.2014.03.004

Staiano, A.E. & Calvert, S.L. (2014). The influence of advergames on children’s consumer choices and behavior. In M. Blades, C. Oates, F. Blumberg & B. Gunter (Eds.). Advertising to children: New Directions, New Media. (pp.218-238). Palgrave.

Gola, A.A., Richards, M., Lauricella, A., & Calvert, S.L. (2013). Building meaningful relationships between toddlers and media characters to teach early mathematical skills. Media Psychology, 16, 390-411.

Calvert, S.L., Staiano, A.E. & Bond, B. (2013). Electronic gaming and the obesity crisis. In F. Blumberg & S. Fisch (Eds.), New directions for child and adolescent development, 139, 51-57.

Calvert, S.L. & Valkenburg, P.M. (2013). In M. Taylor (Ed). The influence of television, video, games, and the Internet on children’s imagination and creativity. Oxford Handbook of the Development of Imagination. Oxford University Press: NY: NY.

Calvert, S.L. (2013). Children’s media: The role of music and audio features. In S.L. Tan, A. Cohen, S. Lipscomb, & R. Kendall (Eds.), The Psychology of Music in Multimedia. (pp. 263-284). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Bond, B.J., Richards, M. & Calvert, S.L.  (2013). Media and obesity. In D. Lemish (Ed.). The Routledge Handbook of Children, Adolescents, and Media. Routledge.

Staiano, A.E., Abraham, A. & Calvert, S.L. (2013). Adolescent exergame play for weight loss and psychosocial improvement: A controlled physical activity intervention.  Obesity, 21, 598-601.

Staiano, A.E., Abraham, A. & Calvert, S.L. (2012). The Wii Club: Gaming for weight loss in overweight and obese youth. Games for Health, 1(5) DOI: 10.1089/g4h.2012.0052

Staiano, A.E., Abraham, A. & Calvert, S.L. (2012). Motivating Effects of Cooperative Exergame Play for Overweight and Obese Adolescents.  Journal of Diabetes, Science, and Technology, 6 (4), 812-819.

Staiano, A.E., Abraham, A. & Calvert, S.L. (2012). Competitive versus cooperative exergame play for African American adolescents’ executive functioning skills. Developmental Psychology, 48, 337-342. DOI: 10.1037/a0026938

Staiano, A.E., & Calvert, S.L. (2012). Digital games and pediatric obesity: At the intersection of science and policy. Social Issues and Policy Review, 6, 54-81.

Bank, A., Barr, R.F., Calvert, S.L., Parrott, G., McDonough, S. & Rosenblum, S. (2012). Maternal Depression and Family Media Use: A Questionnaire and Diary Analysis. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 21, 208-216. DOI: 10.1007/s10826-011-9464-1

Calvert, S.L. Children and Electronic Media. (2012). In L.C. Mayes and M. Lewis (Eds). A Developmental Environment Measurement Handbook. NY: Cambridge University Press.

Valkenburg, P.M. & Calvert, S.L. (2012). Media and the child’s developing imagination. In D. Singer & J. Singer (Eds). Handbook of children and the media. 2nd ed.  Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Staiano, A.E., Baker, C. & Calvert, S.L. (2012). Dietary digital diaries: Documenting adolescents’ obesogenic environments. Environment and behavior, 44, 685-712. doi: 10.1177/0013916511403623

Baker, C. M., Staiano, A. E., & Calvert, S. L. (2011). Digital expression among urban, low-income African American adolescents. Journal of Black Studies, 42,530-547.

Gola, A.A. & Calvert, S.L. (2011). Infants’ visual attention to baby DVDs as a function of program pacing. Infancy, 16, 295-305.

Lauricella, A. R., Howard Gola, A. A., & Calvert, S. L. (2011). Toddlers’ learning from socially meaningful video characters. Media Psychology, 14, 216-232.

Staiano, A.E., & Calvert, S.L. (2011) Wii Tennis play for low-income African American adolescents’ energy expenditure. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychology Research on Cyberspace, 5(1).

Staiano, A.E., & Calvert, S.L. (2011). The promise of exergames as tools to measure physical healthEntertainment Computing, 2, 17-21.

Staiano, A. E. & Calvert, S.L. (2011). Exergames for physical education courses: Physical, social, and cognitive benefits. Child Development Perspectives, 5, 93-98.

Barr, R., Lauricella, A., Zack,E. & Calvert, S.L. (2010). Infant and early childhood exposure to adult-directed and child-directed television programming: Relations with cognitive skills at age four. Merrill Palmer Quarterly, 56, 21-48.

Fenstermacher, S.K., Barr, R., Brey, E.L., Pempek, T., Ryan, M., Calvert, S.L., Shwery, C.E. & Linebarger, D. (2010). Interactional quality depicted in infant videos: Where are the interactions? Infant and Child Development, 19, 594-612.

Fenstermacher, S.K., Barr, R., Garcia, A., Salerno, K., Shwery, C., Brey, E.L., Pempek, T., Calvert, S.L., & Linebarger, D. (2010). Infant-directed media: An analysis of product information and claims. Infant and Child Development, 19, 557-576.

Lauricella, A. R., Pempek, T. A., Barr, R., & Calvert, S. L. (2010). Contingent computer interactions for young children’s object retrieval success. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 31, 362-369.

Vaala, S., Linebarger, D., Fenstermacher, S.K., Tedone, A., Brey, E.L., Barr, R., Moses, A., Shwery, C. & Calvert, S.L. (2010). Content analyses of language-promoting teaching strategies: Do strategies match the claims in infant-directed media. Infant and Child Development, 19, 628-648.

Goodrich, S., Pempek, T., & Calvert, S.L. (2009). Formal production features of infant and toddler DVDs. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 163,1151-1156 .

Lauricella, A. R., Barr, R. F., & Calvert, S.L. (2009). Emerging computer skills: Influences of young children’s executive functioning abilities and parental scaffolding techniques in the US. Journal of Children and Media, 3(3), 217-233.

Pempek, T. & Calvert, S.L. (2009). Tipping the balance: Use of advergames to promote consumption of nutritious foods and beverages by low-income African American children. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, 163(7), 633-637.

Calvert, S.L., Strouse, G.A., Strong, B.L., Huffaker, D.A., Lai, S. (2009). Preadolescent Girls’ and Boys’ Virtual MUD Play. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 30(3), 250-264.

Pempek, T., Yermolayeva, Y. & Calvert, S.L. (2009). College students’ social networking experiences on Facebook. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 30(3), 227-238.

Calvert, S.L. (2008). Production features as scaffolds: Maximizing informal learning from digital technologies: Lessons for instructional design. In S. Neuman(Ed). Literacy achievement for young children from poverty. Brookes.

Calvert, S.L. (2008). Children as consumers: advertising and marketing. The Future of Children, 18(1), 205-234.

Alvy, E. & Calvert, S.L. (2008). Food marketing on popular children’s websites: A content analysis. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 108, 710-713.

Calvert, S.L., Strong, B.L., Jacobs, E.L. & Conger, E.E. (2007). Interaction and participation for young Hispanic and Caucasian children’s learning of media content. Media Psychology 9(2), 431-445.

Calvert, S.L., Strouse, G. & Murray, K. (2006). The role of empathy in adolescents’ role model selection and learning of DVD content. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 27, 444-455.

Calvert, S. L., Strong, Bonnie L., & Gallagher, Lizann. (2005). Control as an engagement feature for young children’s attention to and learning of computer content. American Behavioral Scientist, 48, 562-577.

Calvert, S. L., Rideout, V. J., Woolard, J. L., Barr, R. F., & Strouse, G. A. (2005). Age, ethnicity, and socioeconomic patterns in early computer use: A national survey. American Behavioral Scientist, 48, 590-607.

Huffaker, D.A. & Calvert, S.L. (2005). Gender, identity, and language use in teenage blogs. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication.

Calvert, S. L., Murray, K. J., & Conger, E. A. (2004). Heroic DVD portrals: What US and Taiwanese adolescents admire and understand. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 25, 699-716.

Zehnder, S. M. & Calvert, S. L. (2004). Between the hero and the shadow: Developmental differences in adolescent’s perceptions and understanding of mythic themes in film. Journal of Communication Inquiry, 28, 122-137.

Huffaker, D. (2004). Spinning yarns around the digital fire: Storytelling and dialogue among youth on the Internet. First Monday, 9(1).

Greenfield, P.M. & Calvert, S.L. (2004). Electronic media and human development: The legacy of Rodney R. Cockling. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 25, 627-631.

Calvert, S.L. (2004). Changing media: Fast forward in the information age. Social Policy Report, Vol. XVIII, No. IV, 12.

Huffaker, D. (2003). Reconnecting the classroom: E-learning pedagogy in US public high schools. Australian Journal of Educational Technology, 19, 356-370.

Calvert, S. L., Mahler, B.A., Zehnder, S.M., Jenkins, A. & Lee, M. (2003). Gender differences in preadolescent children online interactions: Symbolic modes of self-presentation and self-expression. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 24, 627-644.

Calvert, S. L. (2003). Future faces of selling to children. In E. Palmer (Ed.), The faces of televisual media: Teaching, violence, selling to children (2nd ed., pp. 347-357). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Huffaker, D. A. & Calvert, S. L. (2003). The new science of learning: Active learning, metacognition, and transfer of knowledge in E-learning applications. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 29, 325-334.

Calvert, S. L. & Kotler, J. A. (2003). Lessons from children’s television: The impact of the Children’s Television Act on children’s learning. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 24, 275-335.

Calvert, S.L. & Kotler, J.A. (2003). The Children’s Television Act: Can media policy make a difference? Special issue of the Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 24, 375-380.

Calvert, S. L., Kotler, J. A., Zehnder, S. M. & Shockey, E. M. (2003). Gender stereotyping in children’s reports about educational and informational television programs. Media Psychology, 5, 139-162.

Kotler, J. A. & Calvert, S. L. (2003). Children’s and adolescents’ exposure to different kinds of media violence: Recurring choices and recurring themes. In D. Gentile (Ed.), Media violence and children (pp. 171-213). Westport, CT: Praeger.

Calvert, S.L., Kondla, T., Ertel, K. & Meisel, D. (2001). Young adults’ perceptions and memories of a televised woman hero. Sex Roles, 45, 31-52.

Calvert, S.L. (2001). Impact of televised songs on children’s and young adults’ memory of educational content. Media Psychology, 3, 325-342.

Calvert, S.L. & Jordan, A.B.  (2001). Children in the digital age. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 1, 3-5.

Calvert, S.L., Kotler, J., Murray, W., Gonzales, E., Savoye, K., Hammack, P., Weigert, S., Shockey, E., Paces, C., Friedman, M. & Hammar, M. (2001). Children’s online reports about educational and informational television programs. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 1, 103-117.

Moore, M. & Calvert, S.L. (2000). Vocabulary acquisition for children with autism: Teacher or computer instruction. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 30, 359-362.

Calvert, S.L. & Billingsley, R.L. (1998). Young children’s recitation and comprehension of information presented by songs. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 19, 97-108.

Calvert, S.L. & Tan, S.L. (1994). Impact of virtual reality on young adults’ physiological arousal and aggressive thoughts: Interaction versus observation. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 15, 125-139.

Liss, M.B. & Calvert, S.L. (1994). The development of gender identity: Making sense of the world. Social Development, 3, 82-87.

Calvert, S.L. & Tart. M.  (1993).  Song versus prose forms for student’s very long-term, long-term, and short-term verbatim recall.  Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 14, 245-260.

Renn, J.A. & Calvert, S.L.  (1993).  The relation between gender schemas and adults’ recall of stereotyped and countersterotyped televised information.  Sex Roles, 28, 449-459.

Calvert, S.L. (1992). Pictorial prompts for discursive analyses:  Developmental considerations and methodological innovations.  American Behavioral Scientist, 36, 39-51.

Calvert, S.L. & Cocking, R. (1992). Health promotion through mass media.  Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 13, 143-149.

Calvert, S.L. (1991). Presentational features for young children’s production and recall of information.  Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 12, 367-378.

Calvert, S.L., Cocking, R. & Smrcek, M.  (1991). AIDS Public Service Announcements:  A paradigm for behavioral science.  Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 12, 255-267.

Calvert, S.L., Watson, J.A., Brinkley, V. & Penny, J. (1990). Computer presentational features for  poor reader’s recall of information.  Journal of Educational Computing Research, 6, 287-298.

Calvert, S.L., & Scott, M.C. (1989). Sound effects for children’s temporal integration of fast-paced television content.  Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 33, 233-246.

Calvert, S.L. (1988). Television production feature effects on children’s comprehension of time.  Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 9, 263-273.

Calvert, S.L. & Gersh, T. L.  (1987). The selective use of sound effects and visual inserts for children’s television story comprehension.  Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 8, 363-375.

Calvert, S.L., Huston, A.C., & Wright, J.C.  (1987).  The effects of television preplay formats on children’s attention and story comprehension.  Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 8, 329-342.

Wright, J.C., Huston, S.C., Ross, R.P., Calvert, S.L., Rollandeli, D., Weeks, L. A. Raessi, P., & Potts, R.  (1984).  Pace and continuity of television programs:  Effects on children’s attention and comprehension.  Developmental Psychology, 20, 653-666.

Calvert, S.L., Huston, A.C., Watkins, B.A., & Wright, J.C.  (1982). The relation between selective attention to television forms and children’s comprehension of content.  Child Development, 53, 601-610.

Watkins, B.A., Calvert, S.L., Huston-Stein, A.C., & Wright, JC.  (1980). Children’s recall of television material:  Effects of presentation mode and adult labeling.  Developmental Psychology, 16, 672-674.

Special Journal Issues

Researchers from the Children’s Digital Media Center (CDMC) published three special journal issues about recent findings in the children and media area. The first focuses on the role that screen exposure plays in development during infancy and early childhood, a matter of considerable controversy. This special issue, edited by Ellen Wartella and Elizabeth Vandewater from CDMC and Victoria Rideout from the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, appears in the January 2005 issue of American Behavioral Scientist.

The second special issue, titled Developing Children, Developing Media, focuses on the role of emerging media on development. This issue was published in the December 2004 issue of Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology with guest editors Patricia Greenfield and Sandra Calvert, both from CDMC.

The third special issue, titled The Impact of the US Television Act on Children’s Learning, authored by Sandra Calvert and Jennifer Kotler, addresses the role that public policy plays in improving children’s media choices. This issue was published in August 2003, in the Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology.